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Dad with Mum in his beloved El Campello, 2014 |
As a family, we've used his positive force and zest for life in order to remember him permanently, by setting up the Morley Holliday Tribute fund for Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research. This is a dedicated account where all donations made in his memory will be grouped together as a lasting legacy to him to help others by contributing to researching blood cancers or supporting those with it and their families. So whether you're a friend or relative who makes a bit of money from a coffee morning, a 10k/half/marathon, or indeed any way in which money is raised and you want to give to this worthwhile charity - the only one in the UK that is dedicated into researching blood cancers and providing support for those living with blood cancers - there is now this option. The bank details of how to do so are below.
There are 30,000 people in the UK diagnosed with blood cancers every year. Set up 50 years ago, before its founding, very little was known about blood cancers, and survival rates were very low. Doctors knew next to nothing about blood cancer or how to treat it, and support for patients and their loved ones was almost non-existent.
The charity has ambitions to try and work to beat blood cancer and make 100% survival a reality.
We've set up a justgiving page where online donations can be made at https://www.justgiving.com/morleyhollidaytributefund or if you would like to send a cheque, these can be made payable to the 'Morley Holliday Tribute Fund.' If you would prefer to make a bank transfer, you can using the reference number 790430.
Bank Account Name: Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research
Bank Account Number: 33856143
Bank Sort Code: 20-00-00
Bank Reference: 790430 (Must be used for the money to go to the fund)
If you don't want to give anything financially then that is absolutely fine. Maybe you'd prefer to register yourself as a blood stem cell donor? This can be done here: http://www.deletebloodcancer.org.uk/en/register-now - where more information can be found. Their aim is to provide a suitable donor for every person in need of a blood stem cell donation. And as ever, if you want to be a blood donor, more information can be found here on how to at http://www.blood.co.uk/index.aspx.
This feels a fitting way to remember our Dad/husband to Mum, helping others to the last.
Business Psychology Manchester
Rebecca is registered as a Practitioner Occupational Psychologist with the Health Professions Council, a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology and Principal Member of the Association of Business Psychology.
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